If I were a girl

Till Sofia, Sara, Sandra:


If I were a girl
Even just for a day
I would stress all the time
And then blame it on my boyfriend

Have talks with the girls
Talking about my problems
Then I'd cry untill if felt better
And eat as much icecream as I want
Then say that I'm fat

If I were a girl
I think I could understand
How it feels to have a period
I swear I'd complain less

I'd listen to him
Cause I know how it hurts
When you don't get the sex you wanted
Cause she's saying she is tired
And the condom you prepared is destroyed

If I were a girl
I'd never turn off my phone
Tell everyone I'm available
So they could sms me all the time.

Postat av: Sofia

dumbom x)


2009-09-23 @ 15:27:04
URL: http://kochel.blogg.se/
Postat av: sandra

hahah va i helvete XD

2009-09-23 @ 17:09:22
URL: http://sandraawa.blogg.se/
Postat av: Sara

haha men vaaa xD du är ju knäpp! :P

2009-09-23 @ 22:13:48
URL: http://inthesky.blogg.se/

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